1. MD whole Strawberry jam 150g or fresh Strawberries
2. MD Gelatin – 1.5 teaspoon powdered
3. 2 Tablespoon water
4. 150ml fresh cream
5. 150g Yogurt
6. 2 Tablespoon icing sugar
7. Few drops of vanilla extract
1. MD Strawberry Whole fruit Jam 250g or fresh Strawberries
2. MD icing sugar 2 Tablespoon
3. 6 Tablespoon water
4. Few drops of vanilla essence
1. Add the water to small heatproof bawl. Then sprinkle over the MD gelatin, making sure it is completely observed by the water. Leave for 5 minutes stand the bowl in a pan of gently simmering water and leave until MD gelatin has completely dissolved to clear liquid.
2. 02. Add MD fresh strawberry jam or puree of fresh strawberries. Whip the fresh cream to form soft swirls, then fold in the Yogurt, MD Strawberry jam or Puree, MD Icing sugar and vanilla. Generally add the dissolved gelatin, pour into the bowl and chill for one hour
1. Sprinkle the MD gelatin over 2 tablespoon water and leave to soak as before. Dissolve the MD strawberry jelly into a 2 cup of hot water. Add the dissolved jelly with the remining water, Sugar and cook for 5 minutes. Take off the heat and stir in the MD gelatin until dissolved. Then add vanilla and leave to cool.